Editing Masterclass
EDITING masterclass
Photo © Niko J. Kallianiotis 2021
The three-week Editing Masterclass aims to guide the participants into an in-depth analysis of an existing or in-progress project, or the development of an initial idea, with the intent to create a more defined and competitive body of work for both the commercial and fine art markets, including the production of a book. The Masterclass at its core will have both practical and theoretical layers, placing a strong emphasis on editing, sequencing, aesthetic sensibility, as well as design and layout. These assets will accommodate and reinforce the participant’s intentions and ability to think and realize their work process, from its initial to its final stage, regardless.
The student will work with me individually, although on occasion other established professionals will be part of our conversation to extend the educational experience of the participant. The content of the Masterclass is not universal and is structured based on the participant’s needs in realize and developing their work further.
For further information on the program and to discuss your photographic needs contact me for a free consultation.